Repurpose. To adapt for use in a different purpose.

Repurpose Resources :

  • Build Reuse

    Build Reuse is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit established in 1994 that serves as the premier national organization encouraging the recovery, reuse, and recycling of building materials in the United States.


    All For Reuse is an initiative to develop a network of building professionals committed to the reuse of commercial building materials. Resources include a Policy Tracker and the Ecosystem Map that helps you find deconstruction and building material supplier near you.

  • Reusable Resource Association

    The Reusable Resource Association maintains a directory of Creative Reuse Centers around the country.

Advocate for Repurpose :

The best thing you can do is shop for reclaimed building materials, but supporting deconstruction initiatives and code changes also helps.

Find out more at Build Reuse.